План уроку
Тема уроку: Заняття спортом – це здорово!
Мета: сприяти розвитку в учнів вміння логічно і послідовно висловлювати свої думки з приводу почутого або побаченого на фотографії.
Очікувані результати: На кінець уроку учні вмітимуть :
· правильно живати лексичні одиниці з даної теми;
· вирізняти потрібну інформацію при аудіюванні з даної теми;
· спілкуватися у межах обраної тематики на основі прослуханого тексту,
успішно використовуючи фрази для опису нерозбірливих деталей та дотримуватися логічної структури опису фотографії.;
· чітко та обґрунтовано висловлювати свою думку.
Обладнання: підручник “Solutions Upper-Intermediate”, ІАК, проектор, ноутбук, презентація, роздатковий матеріал
Хід уроку
І. Introduction
Teacher (T): Good morning, guys. Today our lesson is a bit different as we are having some guests. So our task is to do our best not to let them be bored at our lesson and make them enjoy it together with us. The topic of our lesson is “Exercise Is Fun”. We’re going to talk about the importance of being fit for people and some ways to achieve success in this field. And we’ll focus on such activities as listening and speaking today, learning to structure the description of the photo properly and describe unclear details on the photos.
II. Warm up. T: So if you are ready, let’s get started.
T: What attracts modern youth most of all? (night clubs, social nets…)
What is one of your major concerns? (except preparing for EIT) I think the answer is obvious. It’s your appearance. All of you want to be attractive in this age.
And what ways to improve your appearance do you know?
Wherever you are and whatever you do don’t forget that your beauty depends greatly on your posture. Always practice good posture. While sitting sit up tall, shoulders down and both feet on the floor.
III. Speaking (in groups)
T: Look at the following words on the board: running, exercise class, gym, team sport, cycling, swimming. In groups of three discuss what is the best way to get fit. Choose one answer and give reasons. Report to the class in 2 minutes.
IV. Listening
4.1 T: Doing regular exercising is rather challenging for many of us. Why do people usually give up? What can encourage them?
Listen to one point of view and say if you agree with it.
Ss answers.
4.2 T: Vocabulary exercises. Match the following synonyms.
1. contagious a) put
2. discovered b) usually
3. post c) encourage
4.pace d) found
5. inspire e) extra
6. accounts f) bettered
7. additional g) catching
8. improved h) fit
9. in shape i) reports
10. in general j) speed
Phrase match. (Sometimes more than one choice is possible)
1. Physical activity and exercise a) encourage other people
2. People who post details of b) in shape
3. Motivate and c) tenths of a kilometre
4. Over a period d) their exercise patterns
5. Social media can inspire e) inspiring it can be
6. Detailed accounts of how f) performers of runners
7. Run an additional three- g) others to exercise more
8. Social media improved the h) are ‘contagious’
9. A little slower or less i) a friend’s performance
10. Those who were showing signs of overtaking j) of five years.
4.3 Listen to the text once again and do the multiple choice quiz
1. 1) What else did the study say was contagious besides exercise?
a) research
b) social media
c) physical activity
d) influenza
b) social media
c) physical activity
d) influenza
2. 2) What's the abbreviated name of the institution that conducted the study?
a) MIT
b) BBC
c) PEW
b) BBC
c) PEW
3. 3) How many runners did the researchers track?
a) just fewer than a million
b) 1.1 million
c) 11 million
d) 1,100,001
b) 1.1 million
c) 11 million
d) 1,100,001
4. 4) What thing that runners burned did the researchers look at?
a) records
b) their toes
c) rubber
d) calories
b) their toes
c) rubber
d) calories
5. 5) What did posts on social media inspire people to do more competitively?
a) be social
b) post
c) exercise
d) inspire
a) be social
b) post
c) exercise
d) inspire
6. 6) What is the name of the journal that published the research?
a) Exercise Communications
b) Nature Communications
c) Natural Exercise
d) Physical Exercise
b) Nature Communications
c) Natural Exercise
d) Physical Exercise
7. 7) What kind of accounts did the study contain about inspiring people?
a) by all accounts
b) profit and loss accounts
c) expense accounts
d) detailed accounts
a) by all accounts
b) profit and loss accounts
c) expense accounts
d) detailed accounts
8. 8) How much farther did a person run if their friend ran an extra kilometre?
a) a tenth of a kilometre
b) 300 metres
c) ten kilometres
d) a kilometre
a) a tenth of a kilometre
b) 300 metres
c) ten kilometres
d) a kilometre
9. 9) What improved the performance of runners who had been less in shape?
a) times
b) social media
c) energy drinks
d) better shoes
a) times
b) social media
c) energy drinks
d) better shoes
10. 10) What did a researcher say you would do more if your friend ran more?
a) run more
b) post more
c) inspire more
d) make more friends
a) run more
b) post more
c) inspire more
d) make more friends
V. Relaxation Break
T: Stand up. To prove you that exercising is fun we’ll spend a couple of minutes enjoying it. First, remember that you should practice good posture both while sitting in your chair and when you walk. When walking, stand up tall with shoulders back, as if the shoulder blades are slightly pinching together. Walk around the table pretending that there is a book balancing on your head.
Now come here. We will split into pairs. Do you know that six of you have the names that start with letter ‘A’. They are the leaders. They have the right to choose a partner. Now face each other. Hold palms up in front of chest. The leader will move one hand at a time and the follower will mirror the movement.
V. Speaking
T: Now, back to work.
6.1 Vocabulary (ex.1 p.109)
Biceps – the main muscle of the top part of the arm
Logo – a printed symbol or design that a company uses as its special sign)
Sweatband – a band of cloth worn around the head or wrist to absorb sweat.
6.2 Describe the photo in pairs. One pair describes it to the class.
6.3 Let’s familiarize with the exam tip on how to give a full description of a photo together. So now look at the slide and rearrange the items to make a logical structure.
6.4 Listen to two candidates describing the photo. Which description follows the advice better, in your opinion? Is the structure the same as in the exam tip?
6.5 Listen again. Complete the useful expressions for referring to things in the photo you can’t see clearly.
6.6 Look at the photo. Describe it using the phrases for uncertain details.
VII. Summary.
T: It’s time to call it a day. What have we learnt at our lesson?
Which activity do you find the most exciting/ useful/ the one that will come in handy in your life?
VIII. Home assignment
T: Next time be ready to share your opinions on the questions of ex.4 p.109
And don’t forget to exercise on the regular basis.
Тема: Сучасні технології. Комп’ютер
(за підручником “Solutions. Upper-Intermediate)
Мета: формувати навички вживання лексичних одиниць по темі «Нові технології»; удосконалювати навички читання, аудіювання й усного мовлення; розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів; виховувати інтерес до самостійного пошуку потрібної інформації, а також загальну культуру учнів; здійснювати взаємозв’язок навчального матеріалу з конкретними життєвими ситуаціями; виховувати повагу до співрозмовника та думки інших
Обладнання: підручник Solutions Upper-Intermediate, електронна презентація, доступ до мережі Інтернет, проектор, екран.
Хід уроку:
T: Nowadays technologies became part and parcel of modern life. You hardly ever are able to live a couple of hours without your smartphones. And Internet connection is of great importance for every of you. Am I right? So the topic we start learning today won’t leave anyone indifferent, I hope. Guys, we start unit 5. Technology. And this time we speak about computing.
Today at the lesson we’ll learn some computing phrases, listen to conversations between people who do something on a computer and try to answer the question if computers make us dumb.
ІІ. Warm up.
Pair Work.
T: Computers seem to be an integral part of modern life. Now look at the slide and try to prove that these areas of life can’t do without computers.
Students’ answers.
III. Group Work.
T: Unite into groups of four.
In groups students think of three nouns connected with computers and write definitions of them without including the word itself.
Groups take it in turns to read out their definitions. The other groups guess the words.
Groups score one point for a good definition and one point for each word that they guessed correctly. The group with the highest score is the winner.
IV. Speaking
Ex. 1, p.49
Look at the photos. Which of these websites do you visit regularly? What do you do there?
V. Individual work
Ex. 2, p.49
Students complete the chart individually. Then they compare answers in pairs. Then check it as a class.
VI. Testing comprehension.
1. Find 2 social networking sites, a site for sharing photos.
2. What’s the word for: an Internet discussion site;
the information you present about yourself on a social networking site.
3. What’s the advantage of Wi-fi?
4. What’s the differences between a downloaded film and a streamed film?
5. What are your two favourite apps?
VII. Relaxation minute
Ex. 3, p.49 (4.16)
T: You’ll listen to five conversations. The people in
the conversations are doing something on the computer. Describe what they are
doing using the phrases from exercise 2.
Compare answers in pairs.
Check them as a class.
Listening. (6)
We don't leave home without our mobile phones - and
are always consulting apps like spellcheckers and maps. Rob and Neil talk about
how dependent we are on computers and
wonder if this is a good thing. Listen to their conversation and learn some new
X. Summary
T: Look at the
word cloud. By the way, is this profile familiar to you? What does it
represent? Listen to the definitions of the words you’ve just heard in the
dialogue. Guess the words.
phone which allows you to connect to the internet
app (application)
phone which allows you to connect to the internet
app (application)
a computer programme for a specific purpose
to connect
to connect
to link or join one thing to another thing
stop operating (computers and systems)
the ability to do something well because you have
practised it
a natural ability to do something well
the ability to imagine and understand what another
person might be feeling
Global Positioning System which gives us information about location and directions with the help of satellites orbiting Earth
software which prevents us from making spelling mistakes when we type text on a computer
Global Positioning System which gives us information about location and directions with the help of satellites orbiting Earth
software which prevents us from making spelling mistakes when we type text on a computer
Home assignment
We haven’t given answer to the central
question of the lesson. You’ll think it over at home and express your ideas
given comments to the following A.
Einstein’s quote “I fear the day that technology will surpass our human
interaction. The world will have the generation of idiots”.
Тема: It’s a Dog’s Life
практикувати вміння та навички аудіювання,
комунікативні навички, використовуючи активну лексику уроку,
розвивати навички
роботи в групах,
мотивувати учнів до висловлення власної думки і погляду на проблему,
мотивувати учнів до висловлення власної думки і погляду на проблему,
вчити учнів робити
дбати про здоровя учнів та покращувати їх знання англійської мови;
дбати про здоровя учнів та покращувати їх знання англійської мови;
виховувати почуття
поваги до роботи працівників поліції та почуття любові до тварин.
Обладнання: підручник, комп’ютер, звукозапис,
мультимедійна презентація, мультимедійна дошка, завдання для роботи в групах.
І. Greeting.
Introduction slide
T: I’m glad to see you healthy and happy. How are you? Well, I hope you
are in good mood and everything is ready for the lesson as it’s time to begin.
Stand straight and put your hands forward as if you try to touch your friends.
Say “hello” to everyone and say something pleasant to make your friend smile or to cheer him up.
I wish you many pleasant moments at the lesson;
I wish everyone to get excellent marks;
If you want a lesson to pass quickly – work hard;
I wish my friends to enjoy the lesson;
Be smart, I believe in you;
I always feel confident when you are near;
Remember everybody – we are a team.
Remember that you always can rely on me;
Remember that practice makes perfect.
Now let’s be polite. Turn to our guests and say “Good morning” to them.
S-ts: “Good morning, dear guests. Welcome to our lesson. We hope you’ll
like it.
T.: OK. What topic do we learn? – “Busy Days.”
What did we speak about? –
Ss: - About people and what they do at work;
about choosing a job for oneself;
about work conditions;
about the qualities people need to do this or that job
and so on.
Slide 2
T: We spoke much about people of different professions, their routine. We’ll
continue work developing listening skills and oral unprepared speech, your
skills to make dialogues. Slide 3
At the end of the lesson you are to answer such a problem question:
“What are the advantages and disadvantages of daily routine?”
Slide 4
The topic of our today’s lesson is “It’s a Dog’s Life”.
Now open your copybooks and
write down today’s date and topic.
II. Warming Up
Slide 5
T: Many of you have a dog at home. Can you
describe a dog’s life? You may compare it with a cat’s life, too.
P: - dogs usually live in kennels;
they are tied or closed;
they can’t run where they want and do what they want;
they eat bones;
they bark at strangers and street dogs, etc.
T: Do you agree that a dog’s life is not very pleasant? That’s why we
say “it’s a dog’s life” which means that life is hard and unpleasant. Look: I've got to learn a poem by heart, then write a composition in World
Literature, then do ten extra sums in Maths - it's a dog's life!
III. Main Part.
3.1 Listening
Open your books on page 12 Ex.
3.1.1 Pre-listening task
T: Look at the picture and the
Is this an ordinary dog?
Where does it work?
What do you think the text is
3.1.2 Vocabulary practice
Teacher reads the phrases
aloud and explains the meaning of unknown words.
Alameda Police Department
On the force
Police Service Dog (PSD)
Canine unit (K9)
Under cover of darkness
German shepherd
Hit the streets
Remain alert
Specialized assignment
Stop an armed suspect
Require a lot of commitment
Slide 6
3.1.3 Work in pairs.
Students look at the prompts
(Ex.26) and in pairs discuss what a
police dog does.
I think…
I guess…
Perhaps …
I fully agree with you.
I don’t think that’s correct.
I’m afraid you’re mistaken,
Who knows, maybe you are right, etc.
3.1.4 Teacher plays the
record and students check their answers by marking the prompts Yes or No
Slide 7
(A minute of relaxation)
T.: Got tired? We’re going to read the text now. And it will take some time of hard work. I hope a bit of moving exercise
will cheer you up. Who wants to lead today?
Don’t be lazy, dear friends,
Move your arms and move your
Hands on shoulders, hands on
Hands on hips and hands on
Hands on stomach, hands on
Are you tired? Let us rest.
3.2 Reading/Work in groups
Group 1.
T.: Read the text silently and write C or I.
for questions 1-8 (Ex.27)(the teacher
checks students’ answers around the class). Try to find the sentences in the
article that best describe the picture.
Group 2.
Find the words in bold which match the definitions below (Ex. 28)
Group 3.
Put the sentences in the correct order.
1. Our working day
starts at 5.00pm and ends 3.00 am.
2. Kenzie has his
second meal at about 4.00 am and after that we go straight to bed.
3. Kenzie is on patrol
for ten hours.
4. Like all dogs
Kenzie likes routine.
5. Kenzie always has
high-quality dry food and water.
6. At 4.00 pm we leave
the house and drive to the police station.
7. Kenzie even saved
my life once when he stopped an armed suspect from attacking me.
3.3 Speaking
3.3.1. T.: Let’s discuss Kenzie and his partner’s daily routine. Answer
my questions.
- Do Kenzie and his handler Patrick have a usual working day?
- Is their work dangerous for health and life? Why?
- Does Patrick care about his four-legged friend? How?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of work in police?
- What in your opinion can be done to minimize the bad influence of
working as a handler of a Police Service Dog? Do both Patrick and his dog
follow these ideas?
3.3.2. T.: Look at the proverbs and find the one which can be the best
conclusion to our discussion:
- Health is better than wealth
- A sound mind in a sound body.
- Everyone’s health is in his own hands.
3.4. Emotional relaxation
T.: Do you still remember what the topic of our lesson is? – “It’s a
dog’s life”.
We concluded that a dog’s life was not that easy. Did we find any proof
while reading the text?
But now as a reward for your hard work I’ll try to give you a minute of
emotional relaxation which will probably change your mind. Have fun and relax. Slide 8 Do you see unhappy dogs? One word
characteristic would be to the point here.
IV. Evaluation
Teacher thanks students for their active work and participation.
V. Home work.
Please, next time besides learning new vocabulary and reading the text
once more be ready to develop the phrase “I would/wouldn’t agree to the career
of a police dog’s handler because…” Using new vocabulary will be greeted.
VI. Summarizing
Slide 9
Topic: Money Makes the World Go Round
Objectives: to expand students’ vocabulary;
to widen
students’ knowledge on the topic;
to develop
students’ speaking skills maintaining free discussion
to develop
students’ logical and critical thinking.
Equipment: textbook, multimedia presentation, handouts, money tree
T: Dear students, today we’re
going to discuss a very important thing “Money”. At the lesson we shall learn
how to use this word correctly, we shall practice in oral speech and exchange
your opinions on the topic.
Warming up
Money is very important for everybody. Do you
agree with me? Where do we use it? Do you believe that the more money we have
the happier we are?
Word Lab
First of all let’s learn to
use the word “money” correctly. Remember that “money” is singular. Choose the
correct variant of the following sentences:
1. How (much/many)
money do you need?
2. Money (is/are) power.
3. Money (make/makes)
a man.
4. (This/These) money
(was/were) not his.
5. This is not your
money. Don’t take (it/them).
Pair work
the proverbs:
Smell, money, no, has.
Is, good, master, bad, money,
a, a, servant, but.
Your, your, lose, money, and,
lend, friend.
Makes, money, man, the.
Brain, spent, on, money,
never, in, spent, the, vain, is
All, answers, things, money.
Everybody needs money. Unfortunately money doesn’t grow in a tree. Where
do we take it from and how do we spend it?
It was your home task to list all the verbs you know that mean money
operations. So let’s make a mindmap.
S1. Some people earn it, they
work hard.
S2. Some people inherit money
from their rich relatives.
S3.Some people find money or
S4. Some people win money in a
S5.Some people gamble and win
a lot of money.
S6. Some people steal money
from others or rob the rich or banks.
To remember that let’s complete the mind map.
To win to lose to inherit
To earn to lend
To donate to spend
To bet to give away
Group work
Now let’s split into groups. Look, I have 4 coins: 1 hryvnya, 1 pound , 1 euro and 1
dollar. They are not real but paper ones. Now I cut them into four pieces and
mix.. Your should come in turn, take one of the pieces and find the members of
your group. Those who chose a dollar sit at this table. This one is for pound.
This is for euro and this one is for hryvnya.
You know that every country has
its own currency. People in Ukraine
People in Great
Britain use…
In the USA
they use…
And in many countries of Europe they
Your task is to read the texts
about the currency of this or that country an get ready to introduce it to
listeners using the multimedia presentation.
VII. Speaking
All of you know that Yaroslav
is fond of collecting money and his collection is rather rich. Today he wants
to present his collection to his classmates. You’re welcome, Yaroslav.
I have a big collection of
coins and banknotes. I keep them in two albums. And today I want to show them
to you and to tell about them. You also can ask me questions if you have some.
This album with coins I inherited from my father. He started to work on this
collection when he was a schoolboy. When I was a small boy I liked to watch how
he organized different coins in his collection and I found this hobby very
interesting. Now I am fully in it. My collection contains about 150 different
coins. They are from different countries, for example:
They are old and new ones. The oldest coin was minted in… Most of the
coins have round shape but some have sides. You may look at them.
The album with banknotes is
also very interesting. I am proud of some items. Look at this banknote, for example.
Ps: Where do you take money for your collection from?
Ya: All of my relatives know about my hobby and they are glad to share
some interesting specimens with me. Besides I have some friends who are fond of
collecting coins too. Sometimes we exchange coins.
Ps: What do you plan to do with your collection in future?
Ya: I think I will not lose interest in my collection and in future I
hope my children will help me.
Ps: How much is your collection?
Ya: I’m not sure about it.
VIII. Listening to the song
“Money” by ABBA
Now it’s time to relax a little
and enjoy the song “Money” by ABBA.
While you are listening think
about the following questions:
What is this song about?
What does the young woman dream of? Why?
I work all night, I work all day,
to pay the bills I have to pay
Ain't it sad
And still there never seems to be
a single penny left for me
That's too bad
In my dreams I have a plan
If I got me a wealthy man
I wouldn't have to work at all,
I'd fool around and have a ball...
Money, money, money
Must be funny
In the rich man's world
Money, money, money
Always sunny
In the rich man's world
All the things I could do
If I had a little money
It's a rich man's world
A man like that is hard to find
but I can't get him off my mind
Ain't it sad
And if he happens to be free
I bet he wouldn't fancy me
That's too bad
So I must leave, I'll have to go
To Las Vegas or Monaco
And win a fortune in a game,
my life will never be the same...
IX. True or False
1. The young woman works
hard to earn some money.
2. She has enough
money to pay her bills.
3. She has enough
money to spend it on herself.
4. She dreams to marry
a wealthy man.
5. She needs money to
fool around and have a ball.
6. She believes her
dream will come true soon.
7. She decides to rob
a bank.
8. She has an idea to
win money in a game
9. Las Vegas is one of the best
places to gamble.
X. Reading.
Do you see this wonderful plant?
It serves like a plant symbol of our today’s lesson. Do you want to know why?
Then read the text.
Look at this lovely plant with
thick oval leaves. It’s called “money” or “coin” tree. They say it brings luck
in financial things. Take this plant and put it somewhere in the south or west
or south-west part of your flat and put a green banknote near the stem and wait for “money rain”. Besides, this plant
is good for your health. It produces some substances which make air clean. You
also can have a good rest by this plant.
Keep this plant at your home.
It’s easily to look after it. Just
remember not to pour water close to its roots. One day you’ll enjoy watching
white flowers like small stars.
Complete the sentences:
The plant brings luck in…
In you room it should stand…
Money rain is…
“Money’ tree is also good for…
Don’t water it close to…
XI. Hometask
Write a composition “Money in My Life”
XII. Summing up
So our lesson is coming to an end. Thank you for sharing your ideas with us and for your hard work in the lesson.
Your marks are…
Урок англійської мови
на тему:
види спорту:
бути чи не
англійської мови
Липоводолинської спеціалізованої
школи І-ІІІ ст
Липоводолинської районної ради
Сумської області
Липова Долина – 2014 р.
Topic: Violent Sports: to Be or Not to Be?
Objectives: to expand
students’ vocabulary;
to widen
students’ knowledge on the topic;
to develop
students’ speaking skills maintaining free discussion
to develop
students’ logical and critical thinking.
To develop
writing skills.
Equipment: textbook, smart
board, video, multimedia presentation, handouts,
T: Dear students, today we’re going to discuss a very important thing
“Violence in sports”. At the lesson we
shall expand our vocabulary;
widen our knowledge on the
develop speaking skills
maintaining free discussion
develop logical and critical
II. Warming
T: Today the sports that include aggressive
activities are gaining more and more popularity, as they present a way of entertainment
to the spectators. The youth enjoy these ‘violent sports’ such as boxing, kick
boxing… Will you continue this list? Let’s
start our lesson with watching a video on the topic. (Video)
Now, what sports were mentioned in the video?
What actions do you associate with violence in sports?
(tripping, slashing,
pushing, hitting, knocking…)
What are the consequences of these actions? (bone fractures, bruises,
injuries, disability…)
T : Let’s see the definition of
violence in sports given by Wikipedia.
Violence in sports refers to
physical acts committed in contact sports such as American football, ice
hockey, rugby football, lacrosse, soccer, boxing, mixed martial arts,
wrestling, and water polo beyond the normal levels of contact expected while
playing the sport. These acts of violence can include intentional attempts to
injure a player by another player or coach, but can also include threats of physical
harm or actual physical harm .
Group work Now let’s split
into groups. Look, I have symbols “for” and
“against”. I put them into the
envelope. Your should come in turn, take one of the pieces and find the members
of your group. Those who have a “for” symbol take places at this table. The
ones with “against” symbol occupy these places.
The proverb says: “Thought thrives on conflict”. One group
finds arguments “For” banning violent sports. Another group presents arguments
against it.
Get ready to represent your
opinions in 5 minutes.
Sports are an integral part of human life. However, some are considered to
be more dangerous than the others. Because of the dangers those sports can lead
to, many people believe they should be banned.
Firstly, human life is
undoubtedly precious. If somebody, for example, dies of a dangerous sport; his
family would be very upset.
Next, sports are meant to help people improve their health. For
instance, playing table tennis should give you a better level of reflection.
Moreover, dangerous sports can
result in serious injuries which can make them disabled.
Finally, a challenging sport
needs not be dangerous. It is commonly believed that people like to play
dangerous sports because they are considered to be more challenging. However,
there are many challenging sports which do not require people to face dangers.
To sum up, I would strongly
recommend that dangerous sports should be banned from our societies. Because
they do not contribute to the development of human life and because of the
dangers people could face, safer sports should be considered as the best
If we take boxing for example, many people associate it, with a guarantee
of injury. It is not really very different for instance, from football. Football
is a full contact sport in which players are injured frequently and there seems
to be no question as to whether football should be banned.
A lot of people make a living
from boxing and it takes alot of hard work and dedication to get to the top of
the professional ranks. Boxing has been an Olympic sport since 688 BC, so why
should it be banned in 2014? It doesn’t only keep people fit and healthy, but boxers are
protected by the rules.
There is a referee, and there is also medical staff ready to help. The sport is very
popular among those in the working class, and it provides thousands of people
with a hobby and a job. Boxing is a true test of a person's physical strength,
mental alertness, and courage.
Boxing is a sport, just like
football, baseball, basketball, etc. It is violent, but no more violent than
football, which encourages people to attack one another. If it were banned it
would just go underground, people aren't going to stop participating in and
watching a sport that they love to do.
Writing Lab
T: What is an opinion
essay? It’s a piece of writing in which we present our personal opinions on a
particular topic. Have a look at the next slide. Let’s remind the structure of
such an essay. Match the paragraphs and the contents.
T: These phrases will be useful to give your opinion on the topic.
I believe/think/feel that…;
I strongly believe that…;
In my opinion/view…;
It seems/appears to me that…;
To my mind…;
I (do not) agree that…;
The way I see it…;
I am totally against…;
As far as I am concerned…
Ex.33 p.118
T: Now, let’s read the opinion essay and replace
the words/phrases in bold with other appropriate ones. Then answer the
VIII. Listening to the song
“We Are the Champions” by QUEEN
Now it’s time to relax a little
and enjoy the song “We Are the Champions” by QUEEN.
While you are listening think
about the following question:
What is this song about?
T: «We Are the Champions» is a powerful
ballad written by Freddie Mercury, recorded and performed by the British rock
band Queen. «We Are the Champions» has become an anthem for sporting victories.
paid my dues —
after time —
done my sentence
committed no crime —
And bad
made a few
had my share of sand kicked in my face —
I’ve come through
We are
the champions — my friends
we’ll keep on fighting — till the end —
We are
the champions —
We are
the champions
No time
for losers
we are the champions — of the world —
taken my bows
And my
curtain calls –
brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it —
I thank
you all —
it’s been no bed of roses
pleasure cruise —
consider it a challenge before the whole human race —
And I
ain’t gonna lose —
We are
the champions — my friends
we’ll keep on fighting — till the end —
We are
the champions —
We are
the champions
No time
for losers
we are the champions — of the world
IX. Summarizing
T: It’s time to sum up
the results of our work. What did we do during the lessons? What parts of the
lesson were the most interesting for you? Can we state that violent sports
should be banned? Everyone has his own opinion.
Home assignment
Write an opinion essay
“Violent Sports Are an
Enjoyable Form of Entertainment”